(English version below)
Critiques, chercheurs, plasticiens, écrivains:
Dans le cadre du colloque et du blog Lex-ICON (, nous invitons des contributions des textes, des visuels, qui seront publiés quotidiennement : Pour contribuez un poste, envoyez un email a fragment78[at]gmail[dot]com avec :
1) SOIT un texte critique, philosophique ou théorique de 250-300 mots (1-2 paragraphes) SOIT une image au format JPEG : la représentation d’une de vos œuvres en lien avec le texte, conçue dans la période allant des années deux mille à aujourd’hui, ou une œuvre inédite créée uniquement pour ce blog.
2) NOTER : si vous nous envoyez une image, cette image sera accompagnée d’un énoncé (une à cinq lignes, à joindre par mail) de nature informatif, réflexif, critique, artistique, etc. Celui-ci peut être lié à l’intérêt suscité par les œuvres plastiques développant une forme de langage ou les œuvres littéraires présentant certains éléments visuels, aux techniques inhérentes à la fabrication de l’image/du texte, aux questions relatives au statut du lecteur/spectateur/acteur, à la lisibilité ou l’illisibilité de ce type de prestation visuelle ou textuelle, etc.
3) Chaque internaute enverra en sus de l’image et de son énoncé ou du texte critique, une courte biographie (cent mots au maximum) avec un lien éventuel sur son blog ou son site Internet.
L’ensemble des éléments textuels et visuels postés seront ensuite réunis pour être imprimés sur un mini-livret. Ce dernier sera distribué durant le colloque « Lex-ICON : traiter le texte comme image / traiter l’image comme texte » les 7, 8 et 9 juin 2012 (cliquer ICI pour voir notre programme). Rappel : pour contribuez, envoyez vos images ou vos textes par email: fragment78[at]gmail[dot]com
Critics, philosophers, authors and artists:
In the context of our conference Lex-ICON and of our pre-conference blog project on, we would very much like to invite your participation as a blog poster. To contribute, send the following to the email: fragment78 [at] gmail [dot] com
In the context of our conference Lex-ICON and of our pre-conference blog project on, we would very much like to invite your participation as a blog poster. To contribute, send the following to the email: fragment78 [at] gmail [dot] com
1) A short critical text (250-300 words, or one-two paragraphs about any textual and visual works realized since the year 2000, or a theoretical reflection on verbo-visual works in the 21st century) OR a single JPEG page image (either a page of one of your works or books, or a jpeg of a visual art work mixing text and image by you) created anytime between 2000 and now
2) Note: IF YOU SEND AN IMAGE, please also send a sentence or a few (1-5) by you (send this in the email as an in-text text) about the jpeg page. The sentences may address the techniques involved in making the text-image, the interest of the visual and textual practices at work, the fascination or interest you have in creating texts using visual art techniques or visual artwork using language, questions you have perhaps for readers/viewers of this work that might get people thinking about it, readability or illisibility issues with your work or even that of others, where the work emerged from, etc. etc. The idea is to accompany the image with some sort of creative, critical or questioning reflection—it is up to you what form that takes, but we do want it to be brief.\
2) Note: IF YOU SEND AN IMAGE, please also send a sentence or a few (1-5) by you (send this in the email as an in-text text) about the jpeg page. The sentences may address the techniques involved in making the text-image, the interest of the visual and textual practices at work, the fascination or interest you have in creating texts using visual art techniques or visual artwork using language, questions you have perhaps for readers/viewers of this work that might get people thinking about it, readability or illisibility issues with your work or even that of others, where the work emerged from, etc. etc. The idea is to accompany the image with some sort of creative, critical or questioning reflection—it is up to you what form that takes, but we do want it to be brief.\
3) Note: IF YOU ARE SENDING A CRITICAL TEXT: Your text can be a mini critique of a specific artwork or book, it can be about hypertext works or the movement into the domain of hypertext, it can be linked to poetic or language works which use visual art techniques or typography in innovative ways, it can be about the ways that visual artists or a visual artist is using language in their work, it can be about asemic writing, techniques of language or image use in contemporary lexiconographic works, or forms of narration in texts that are unreadable, or new forms of narration in books which use visual images as text, etc. You may even write a presentation of the theoretical or philosophical ramifications a conference like Lex-Icon evokes for you. Your take might even pose questions that you hope talks at our conference might answer. For further ideas, you can also refer to our original call for abstracts on the website.
4) A 100 word max bio (very brief thanks!) and any blog or website links for your site or blog.
All of the texts and images posted on our blog will be assembled into a mini booklet to be printed in early June and distributed at the international conference “Lex-Icon: treating the image as text and the text as image” in Mulhouse, France on June 7th at the opening art expo welcome meeting (see our programme). Again, please send work to fragmen78[at]gmail[dot]com
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